Our local Sheriff Department needed their Drug Abuse
Resistance Education vehicle wrapped with graphics to identify it's purpose when seen around the county and at the D.A.R.E. programs for schools. We started with the medium gray factory paint and completely wrapped the vehicle in digitally printed 3-M High Performance Control-Tac vinyl with corresponding clear laminated film. |
Each side has the same graphics but done with a different layout to
fit the vehicle. Working around door handles, window openings and other body shapes creates problems that have to be carefully considered when laying out the design to make the graphics flow with the vehicle so that critical areas with lettering does not get clipped out by the odd shapes they flow around. |
The hood graphics was taken from an embriodered shoulder patch and
digitized in order to scale it to fit the hood. |
The rear of the vehicle has the official D.A.R.E. logo with "Daren"
the lion and a photo of Sheriff Andy Dixon's badge. Custom dimensional looking lettering and a lightning bolt that goes across the background and down the sides of the vehicle makes this an eye-catching tool for the drug education program. Many thanks to Sheriff Dickson and Deputy Becky Keith for their help in acquiring the permits for use of the D.A.R.E. program graphics and for allowing us to help in their drug resistance efforts with this vehicle wrap. |
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