This monument sign for the Cumberland Presbyterian Center in Memphis, TN. is a concrete block structure faced with DryVit. The 10 foot by 12 foot sign shape is derived from the architectural style of the modern building. We fabricated the 4 foot wide by 5 foot tall Cross logos from 2" thick polystyrene and encapsulated them with VFI-2538 HardCoat, a two-part polyurethane coating, then primed and painted with an exterior latex satin finish. The individual 8 inch tall letters for the name are Gemini, Inc. formed plastic letters in the Palatino style and created in a medium bronze tone plexiglass.

The photo at right is Mr. Bob Rutledge, a Center Task Force Board member standing by one of the office directional signs. These are Post & Panel style signs manufactured by Howard Industries, their all aluminum construction makes for a neat and professional appearance, finished in dark bronze to match the metal window framing. We provided the lettering/graphics in a high performance vinyl in coordinating colors to match the building facade.


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