When sending files for us to use in the preparation of signage or other products and services we require that all files be in such formats that we do not have to alter, re-construct or manipulate to make them usable. If you are not able to provide files in a compatible format we ask that you contact the original artist of your graphics and have them provide us with the necessary file types. If they are unable to send the correct format we can usually make any file type usable, but we MUST charge for these services as it can take considerable time to rebuild files from scratch or to extract them from some program formats. Files under 10mb may be sent as an email attachment, larger files or numerous small files are best burned to a memory card, thumbdrive, data CD or DVD and mailed to us at PO Box 118 McLemoresville, TN 38235.

We always require the highest resolution when receiving photographs or pixel-based images. Images found on the internet are not usually acceptable for use in signage as the resolution is too low and there is no way to create details that are not there.

We also need proof of ownership or copyright for all images and artwork provided by the customer, we will not unlawfully or knowingly reproduce any artwork that you cannot prove ownership of, sorry but no exceptions to this policy. We will provide a release form for you to fill out before we can use your art or photos, click here for a printable form.

The following file formats are accepted but we cannot guarantee that they are usable due to the fact that they might be corrupted or improperly prepared to industry standards.

Vector Formats:
CorelDraw CDR, CMX, any version through X6
Adobe Illustrator AI, EPS, PDF, versions 88 through CS2
Miscellaneous vector and line formats, DWG, DXF, PLT, PS, PRN, SVG, and others but ask before sending.

NOTICE: Converting bitmap images to EPS or PDF does NOT create a vector file version of them.
When prepping files from your programs, please convert ALL lens effects, shadows, trick effects, transparency effects and images into ONE background bitmap, convert all text to paths or outlines to avoid problems with missing fonts. Many special effects and filters do not port over between programs, if you need help we can provide advice on how to prepare your files for our use, charges will apply if we have to rebuild your files into suitable sign production formats.

Bitmap Formats:
Corel PhotoPaint CPT
Adobe PhotoShop PSD
Miscellaneous pixel-based formats, JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, PCX, FPX, PNG, others but ask before sending.

Differences in vector and bitmap files: Vector files are made up of lines, arcs, and curves presented in a scalable mathematical format, these can be scaled from very small to very large without losing detail and are a must for creating signs. Bitmap images are pixel based and are mostly fixed resolution, they can be scaled downward and made smaller but cannot be scaled to larger sizes without losing details, these files are used in printing photos and for website images. If you are unsure of sending correct and ready-to-use file formats we can edit most any file type at shop rates of $80 per hour.