Our recent endeavors into map making has been met with great acceptance, our reputation in professional graphic design services has given us an edge in finding municipal clients in need of accurate and detailed mapping of roads, streets, properties and utilities. The ability to adapt to diverse graphic work keeps our small company on the go with new and exciting projects.  With the recent declassification of the GPS codes and eased restrictions by the U.S. government, it has increased the accuracy of GPS units down to a few feet, even some of the smaller units are compatible with the WAAS satellite signals and offer simple and precise mapping capabilities.

The following link is to the Carroll County Road Map we produced for the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce, this is quite a large file and may take several minutes to fully load over a slow internet connection. The original map was printed on 24" by 36" stock in 4-color process. A printed copy of the map is available through the Chamber Office in Huntingdon and at most Chamber Member Businesses. We have a downloadable PDF version of the Carroll County Road Map available for a $35 fee, this includes all county roads, city streets, railroads, points of interest, lakes, creeks, rivers, etc.
Email to
Maps08@Elliott-Design.net for more information.


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