This sign is constructed of EPS foam, CNC cut shape, and encapsulated with a two-part urethane hard coat and finished with an acrylic texture compound for years of durability. Color coats consist of sprayed acrylic latex and the contrasting border brushed on.

Skull graphic is CNC machined from 1/2" thick PVC with a V-Cut detailing the thin lines. Small letters in the company name are 3-D CNC machined from solid PVC and stud mounted to the sign surface. Goldleafed and custom made O-M-F-S letters are provided by Mike Facemire at

Bottom panel with names of the Dental/Surgical Technicians is aluminum composite with HP vinyl lettering, as is the address panel on the stone base.

Complete project was the compiled efforts of several talented individuals working under the supervision of Bruce Ottway of Ottway Signs & Stripes of Murray, KY
OMFS-4 Above:
Signs have been finished up to the texture coating awaiting color coats and the application of the letters and graphics.

Top Left:
Closeup of the sprayed on texture coat.

Custom "Skull" graphic of the clients logo and the 3-D profiled letters.

Bottom Left:
CNC cut shapes ready to assemble. Sign body is cut from 2" thick EPS and laminated with foam adhesives. The rectangle cavities shown in this shot is for placement of PVC internal supports and posts mounts.
OMFS signs
OMFS sign


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