This lobby wall display was created from several materials, the 30" diameter logo started with 1/4" PVC laminated to 2" Extruded Styrene. This was cut to shape and then encapsulated with a 2-part Urethane Hard-Coat. This coating is sprayed on to a thickness of between 3/32" and 1/8" to seal the laminated materials together in all areas both front and back. A heavy latex primer is then used to create the base for the many coats of textures and colors. The finish color is a Bronze Hammered Enamel coating that resembles hand beaten metal, this was then finished off with a matte finish clear to dull the bright metallic look. The logo was mounted 1" off the wall to create shadow effects from the above hidden lighting. The company name was cut from 1/2" thick PVC and finished in much the same way as the logo but with less texture, the smaller letters would have become too deformed with the thick texturing process. These were then mounted 1/4" off the wall to create the soft shadows from the overhead lighting.
The overall effects of this display on the soft satin black wall makes an impressive corporate statement, the rich appearance of the faux finish aged bronze gives it a look of quality but at a cost of much less than real bronze. Owner, Wayne Chambers was very happy with the outcome of this project as well as the fact that we reproduced their logo to exact precision.


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