Elliott Sign & Design Limited Warranty & Guarantee Policies

Elliott Sign & Design uses the best sign-grade materials available and we guarantee our products with a limited warranty to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for (1) year on most exterior signage and (5) years on interior sign products, from date of purchase. Damages caused by vandalism, theft, accidents, acts of God (floods, earthquakes, wind, hail, tornados, etc.), acts of terrorism, improper installations, abuse or misuse are not covered under this warranty/guarantee. Elliott Sign & Design will not be held liable for the repair or replacement of signage or materials caused by these situations.

NOTE: We highly recommend that you have your signage added to your business/property insurance policy to cover accidental damages, contact your insurance agent for prices and details.

Exterior signs, carry a (1) year limited warranty against:
  1. Paint peeling from backgrounds, edges, lettering, framing, supports and all visible surfaces.
  2. Fading colors (some colors are more prone to fade and will be rated at time of purchase)
  3. Vinyl peeling, curling, shrinking or cracking.
  4. Substrate cracking, de-laminating or rotting.
  5. Letters/graphics detaching from surfaces.
  6. Breaking welds on metal framing, structures and supports, when installed properly.
Interior signs, carry a (5) year limited warranty against:
  1. Paint peeling from backgrounds, edges, lettering, framing, supports and all visible surfaces.
  2. Fading colors.
  3. Vinyl peeling, curling, shrinking or cracking.
  4. Letters/graphics detaching from surfaces.
  5. Substrate cracking or de-laminating.
  6. Breaking welds on metal framing, structures and supports when installed properly.

Temporary signs & banners: Cloth, vinyl and flexible face banners are warranted for (60) days against defects in materials and workmanship, Temporary “job-site” signs, political posters, for sale signs or any other light-weight advertisement materials such as CoroPlast, FoamCore, and Styrene, are considered temporary type materials and are covered for peeling paint or vinyl de-lamination for a maximum of (30) days. Paper, and cardboard signs do not carry any warranty period.

Vehicle lettering: Including boats, trailers, trucks, cars, motorcycles and all mobile objects are warranted for a limited (1) year. Although most vehicle lettering will outlast the vehicle it is applied to if cared for properly, we will not be liable for damages caused by the use of steam-cleaners, pressure washers, harsh cleaners, chemical treatments and automatic car washes, the use of these cleaning procedures will void your warranty. An adhesion test will be made on any remaining lettering to confirm if it was damaged by improper use or if it was a fault of the material or our fault in the installation/application process.

Magnetic signs: We warrant flexible magnetic signs for a period of (60) days. The use of flexible magnetic signs on your vehicles should be limited to no more than (2) weeks at a time. You should remove the signs weekly, wash the vehicle and the back of the sign, dry well and re-install. A good coat of automotive wax should be applied to the back of the magnetic sign and to the area of the vehicle where you place the sign. If road grime and dirt gets between the magnetic material and the surface of your vehicle it WILL DAMAGE the paint on your vehicle. We will in no way be held responsible for the misuse of magnetic signs. You CANNOT fold the flexible magnetic material, it must be stored on a flat smooth surface when not in use on your vehicle. Each set of magnetic signs comes with directions on how to get the best life from the material and how to avoid damage to the finish on your vehicle.

Signage installed by Elliott Sign & Design: As of December 31st. 2009, Elliott Sign & Design will no longer be installing signs as a part of our sign services, nor will we be acting as sub-contractors for other general contractors needing installation work. We are a sole-proprietor company offering sign products, design services, and consulting. Due to new government regulations concerning insurance and workers comp laws we have been forced to eliminate the installation of signs, as this is not a large enough part of our general services to make it feasible to carry the newly required insurance. We can only provide instruction and supervision to you or the person doing your sign installation, we will not be physically involved in any way with the actual labors of installation. All signage types that we normally design and build can be easily installed by any qualified carpenter/handyman, other larger signs or projects requiring the use of special equipment will be referred to a licensed contractor. It will be your responsibility to hire anyone you desire to make your installations, we are only the manufacturer.

Signage installed by customers or their hired contractors: Under our warranty policy we will not cover the cost of the removal and/or re-installation of signs. If you (the customer) needs repair or replacement of the sign and it is under warranty, you are responsible for getting the sign delivered to us. We will not be held liable for damages caused by improper installations or carelessness of the installers. All holes drilled, nails, screws, bolts and fasteners used in installations must be thoroughly sealed to prevent water damage. Edges or surfaces of sign panels, letters or other elements of the sign that may get damaged in rough handling or paint chipped should be touched up and sealed immediately by the person responsible for the installation to prevent deterioration of the sign. Any and all damage or material failure caused by you or your installers voids your warranty. We can provide instructions to your installer for the best and safest way to install your sign, but in no way will we be responsible for their failure to follow directions.
 It is your responsibility to return any sign or product for repair within the (1) year limited warranty period, failure to return the sign or product within the warranty period voids your warranty all together. No matter when the problem was first noticed, you are responsible for being prompt in returning the item for repair before the warranty period runs out, sorry, no exceptions.

We strive to produce a quality, long lasting product but with so much change being made in materials to comply with new government "GREEN" and VOC standards, many suppliers are importing materials from countries that have little or no quality control, so we have to constantly test new materials and limit our liabilities to fall within the industry’s standards. We will make every effort to correct any problem that you have with our sign products. All claims must be made immediately and within the warranty period, if you notice a problem, you must contact us promptly for details on the best way for us to fulfill your warranty claim. We cannot carry our warranty policies past the limits stated in the above clauses.

Most painted or vinyl coated exterior rated signs have an expected life of several years, many factors such as weather, location and direction of the sun contribute to a faster deterioration of exterior materials. Like the painted trim on your house needs repainting every few years and the paint on your car needs to be kept clean, painted signage needs periodic cleaning and maintenance. You may have noticed that mildew forms on the shaded side of your house, or in areas where there is high humidity, this mildew/mold can penetrate the painted surface and cause the substrate material to start breaking down. Tree sap collecting on painted surfaces can breakdown paints due to the acid in the sap, frost and freezing rain can get into these small cracks and make the problem worse. Signs oriented towards the south and west may receive sun all day and cause the paint to fade prematurely. Sometimes it is necessary to place signs in these harsh environments and there is little one can do to prevent these weathering effects. The only tried and proved solution is to keep your sign clean, a gentle wash with mild detergent and a thorough rinse can remove some staining caused by the elements. The use of steam-cleaners, pressure washers, harsh cleaners, chemical treatments will void your warranty. Dust in the air will stick to the sign finish when the humidity is high or after a heavy dew, this builds up over time and can cause staining and discoloration of the paint, if left unattended this will eventually destroy the paint. Damages caused by rocks, grass clippings and debris from mowers and weed eaters should be removed and any breaks or scratches in the sign surfaces should be sealed and painted immediately.

This warranty/guarantee supersedes all previous versions as of December, 12th. 2009
Elliott Sign & Design will not be held responsible for the misinterpretation of these policies by customers concerning warranted products.
We are helpful and honest in our business dealings and will try to please all our clients if their need ever arises to make a warranted claim within reason.