Art Charges & Logo Design, Is it Really Worth The Cost?

   Our answer to the above heading is YES, because a good logo design doesn't cost, it pays. Clients usually want to know up-front what it costs to develop a logo and sometimes this is a very difficult answer to provide, because it depends a lot on the amount of time involved in the creation and in the production.  The more detail and visual elements a logo has the more it usually costs, and also the more research involved increases the cost.  There is more to a logo than just the time involved in creating it on paper, there is an intrinsic value that is hard to put in dollar values.  Take a logo like Coca-Cola, it started with a sign-painter's layout and developed over the years into an image worth millions! ATT spent nearly a million dollars to develop the 'glowing globe' icon.  Realistically small businesses cannot afford the Wall Street ad agencies that charge the high-end prices for their services so we at Elliott Design have worked up a price range that any small business client can afford.  In addition to our creative logo design we also offer Stationery Packages, these are different than our basic logo design, our stationery package is custom tailored for each client's needs and may contain: ad slicks, layouts for business cards, letterheads, envelopes, tee-shirts, signage, marketing materials and digital files on CD, etc. Pricing for our Stationery Packages start at only $100 and includes digital files for your business card, letterhead and envelope that is press-ready. Elliott Design now offers high quality full color printing through several nationally known printers for all your stationery needs and can save you money on your next print job.
 Many companies doing "graphic design" only use canned clipart for logos, we create original art for your logo by combining years of design experience with our advanced knowledge of computer design programs to assure that your logo is a one-of-a-kind and not some knock-off from a template.

           Below is a price range based on the average cost for three different types of logos.

  Simple Icon:  $250 - $350        •       Medium Detail:  $350 - $450       •      High Detail:  $600 & Up

   Artwork and logo design is a very large part of the services we provide our clients on a regular basis due to the fact that today's business owner acknowledges the need to 'look' professional in the marketing of their products and services.  Our charges for these creative services are such a small part of the total marketing campaign that most clients see the value of having a professional business image as a 'must do' part of business.  We have created logos for both large and small businesses and these clients saw the need and the value of having a professional business image to help them achieve business success. Here's a small list of logos we have recently created. Don't be fooled by 'canned' artwork, someone with a computer and a CD full of clipart is not a graphic artist, it takes years of training and experience to understand what each individual business needs to make them stand out from their competition and still keep their business image related to the type of business they are in. When necessary we will use a modified clipart image to achieve the client's wishes to stay on budget or for special reasons, but even then our designs are edited into an original creation so the logo will still be a one-of-a-kind. Your image needs to relate a subliminal message to the viewer that makes a statement of strength, security, trustworthiness, etc. and should be in an appropriate style for your business category. Not only does the appropriate style help sell your products but color plays a major role in marketing, you don't put dainty pink letters on a plumbers truck no more than you would use bold block letters on a boutique, every business type has an expected 'look' and it's the creative designer who knows how to make that business stand out amongst the rest and still maintain a style that fits the norm of visual marketing.

   Sign design and layout is a little different than logo design, our company policy is that the layout or design we create for your sign is for a one-time use only, and is created solely for the use on the sign we produced and cannot be reproduced in any other form unless payment is made for the use of this copyrighted artwork.  Logos on the other hand are sold as a stand-alone service and once you purchase the logo you are given a copyright transfer where you are then entitled to use it in any way you want as many times as you want.  Every sign we create is a custom piece of advertisement and is designed to personalize the business that it is made for.  The production time spent on your sign project is charged for in the initial cost of the sign, but the real value is in the creativity of the design and this creativity is only on loan to you for the life of that particular sign, the purchase of the sign does not entitle you to own the layout, no more than purchasing an automobile would entitle you to own the design of it, the artwork used on your sign is and remains the intellectual copyrighted property of the designer until written transfer is provided to you.  I urge you to read about those legalities in these articles on Copyright Laws in the United States for more information before you use our designs or anyone else's sign layouts as your 'logo' or try to have someone reproduce copyrighted artwork on any other project for your business, you could end up owing a tremendous amount in legal fees for unauthorized use of copyrighted artwork. We're easy, just pay a small fee for the artwork and then it's yours, forever.

Also, we have written an article on 'The Differences In Signs' to see how layout reflects the value of signage. Some clients like their sign layouts so well that they have us turn it into a logo, we like to work with clients like this and offer a discount to the cost of the logo when developed as part of their signage project. See "How To Purchase A Sign"  Also we have a great chart on the cost of signage over the life expectancy of the materials.

          Charges for sign design/layouts are listed below and are average for general signage.


Simple Layouts    = $25 - $35   •   Median Detail      = $40 - $55
Custom Detail      = $60 - $85   •   Highly Detailed     = $100 - & Up

                                         "Estimates are FREE, sketches are NOT"

Site surveys and design consultation services are available and are based on our hourly rate. As a professional designer I do not provide free sketches, layouts or artwork for speculative work, our portfolio and reputation speaks for itself. Once we have established you as a client and receive an order for our services, we will then start creating layouts for your approval. We also have a service-trip charge to cover travel time when it is necessary for us to drive to your location for surveying, measuring or meetings to discuss your project. Your initial meeting at our studio location is free and covers discussing your project to see if we're the company to service your needs, and to give a free estimate on the cost of the project. Elliott Design does not make estimates for products or services over the phone or through email to anyone that is not already an established customer.
Prospective new clients should contact us first for an appointment to discuss their projects.

If you need assistance with your sign or logo project, please contact us and we'll start your business off on the right track with our creative talents.

                                                                                      Larry Elliott



Check Out These
Articles and Websites On Signage and Design

Small Business Administration
Differences in Signs and Their Advertising Value
How To Purchase A Sign
    Value of a Sign Over The Life of Their Materials

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©1998-2019 All images, design/layouts and artworks are the
copyrighted property of Elliott Sign & Design, all rights reserved.