Dr. Bobo - Sign in Murray, KY Oral & Maxillo Facial Surgery

This monument type sign was created for Ottway Signs & Stripes of Murray, KY. This project was the results of multiple individuals involved in bringing their efforts together to produce a unique identity for the client.

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Block City Pizza Block City Pizza

LED Backlit letters constructed of EPS foam, encapsulated with a two-part urethane hard coat and finished in acrylic latex colors.

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Jenna's Boutique My Best Friend Jenna

Jenna Hamilton needed a simple but classy sign for her new boutique in Jackson, TN. Our solution was to create a built-up panel with 2" thick southern pine for weight and add 1/2" thick MDO faces on each side for smoothness. Finished in acrylic latex color with HP pressure sensitive vinyl lettering. The "Jenna" logotype was adapted from Ms. Hamilton's signature and is used throughout her classy and beautiful showroom.

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Bethel Wedding Chapel

This turn of the century church building was donated to our city for the purpose of saving the historic site.

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Century Home   Century Home

This is a simple dimensional plaque we created to place in our home. The background is 3/4" PVC with a beveled edge, scrolls and small lettering is V-Carved.
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Murray State Coffee Shop
Murray State ThoroughBrewed Café

Dimensional sign header for Ottway Signs & Stripes of Murray, KY. This project is installed in the ThoroughBrewed Café at Murray State University.

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LC's Cafe LC's Cafe at Bruceton LifeCare

A dimensional wall plaque for the dining room at Bruceton LifeCare, a local assisted living facility.  

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Tennessee Industrial Printing, Inc.

We created this lobby wall decoration to appear as though it was stressed and aged bronze. Read this article on the process of how this was accomplished with light weight materials and various techniques.

Carroll Bank & Trust, McKenzie Branch

Dimensional wall graphics created from PVC and Styrene, finished in subdued colors to blend with wall. Overhead lighting is then used to create a shadow effect to bring contrast to the graphics. Small lettering is 1/4 inch thick and the CB&T is 2 inches. Here are a few more photos of specialty interior graphics we have created for CB&T.

Cumberland Presbyterian Center, Memphis

This custom monument style sign stands in front of the
Cumberland Presbyterian Center in Memphis, TN.
The overall shape was developed from the architectural style of the modern building that houses the offices of the Presbytery.

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Phipps Pharmacy, on Channing Way in Jackson, TN

This custom brick and stone monument sign sits at the Channing Way frontage of the new Phipps Pharmacy building in Jackson. This sign matches the style of the building and makes a statement of quality to the business. The lettering is 3/4" PVC with 1/2" spacer mounts, the address panel is 34" PVC with incised lettering.

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Brownsville 1st. United Methodist Church First United Methodist Church, Brownsville, TN

UMC Cross & Flame logo installed on exterior of new building. This all aluminum construction measures 16 foot tall and over 8 foot wide with a depth of 6 inches and is finished in satin exterior acrylic latex for long lasting color retention.

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West Carroll War Eagles West Carroll Junior/Senior High School

This lettering and "war eagle" logo are CNC machined from solid PVC sheet and finish coated with acrylic latex.

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Carroll County Museum Carroll County Museum

Our County Museum is located in McLemoresville, here is one small sign we have produced for the new facility.
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